The worldwide crisis due to COVID-19 that we have seen in the past months is unprecedented - besides the rush for basic supplies like food, infection control items, such as alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR) has become a highly sought after commodity by many. But this raises an important question for the customers: Which alcohol-based hand rub do I need and which is really effective against COVID-19?
Dr. Thomas Oh, Medical Affairs Manager (APAC) from schülke Singapore will answer this and provide the essential information which you (as a buyer) should look out for to make sure you are buying the right product for good hand hygiene against COVID-19.
Dr. Thomas Oh: Look out for the indication of European Norm (EN) test standards, such as EN1500 and/or EN12791 test on the labels which most of the more reputable ABHR would have undergone to ensure that the ABHR are efficacious against bacteria when applied onto the hands. As for the efficacy against enveloped viruses, such as those which cause COVID-19, EN 14476 is the test standard to look out for.
Dr. Thomas Oh: If you don't have access to good quality handrub, the very least you have to make sure is that the ABHR you buy has the right concentration of alcohol within, 60-70% alcohol (commonly ethanol/isopropanol) is the concentration shown to be effective against enveloped viruses, such as those that cause COVID-19. The right percentage of alcohol is crucial for eliminating the SARS-CoV-2 virus when applied onto the hands.
Last but not least, if ABHR is not within your reach, hand washing will always be an equally viable alternative – remember to use a gentle soap (e.g. sensiva® wash lotion) and proper hand drying is equally important as well.
Stay safe! Keep your hands and surrounding surfaces clean, do not touch your face unnecessarily and adhere to social distancing!
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