Hand hygiene

Hand hygiene and general hygiene measures are the most important preventive measures to protect yourself from infection.

Hygienic hand disinfection

How to disinfect your hands

A short step by step guide to hygienic hand disinfection

How to disinfect your hands @Youtube

Hand washing technique 

How to wash your hands

A short step by step guide to effective hand washing technique

How to wash your hands @Youtube

Hygienic hand disinfection

Hygienic hand disinfection poster

Standard rubbing technique for hygienic
hand disinfection in accordance with EN 1500.

Hand hygiene awarness

New hand hygiene teaching pack for kids: Free download

This teaching pack contains everything you need to explain to young children about when and why hands should be washed, how germs are spread, where germs hide; and both how and when to wash.

Hand hygiene awarness

Raise hand hygiene awareness

Promote hand hygiene in your organisation with these large posters designed for printing on A3 paper.

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