Pleasant  & professional care – for a healthy skin feeling

The good feeling of clean and health skin contributes, in a large part, to the psychological well-being of every person. The older a person is, skin care is more challenging and specific body care is more important. Effective care helps improve the patient's condition and keeps the skin healthy. This is exactly where schülke skin products practicality with nourishing ingredients such as allantoin and jojoba oil. 

Body cleansing

Body cleansing

Whether cleaning the hands and body of mobile patients or bedside cleaning of immobile patients, schülke offers products for both areas of application in the octenisan® product range and esemtan® cleansing foam for skin cleaning for bedridden and incontinent patients.

Body care

Body care

Dry and delicate skin is quickly irritated by environmental influences and can react sensitively. Healthy skin, on the other hand, is somewhat less complicated but still needs care appropriate to its type. That is why the schülke offers the sensiva® range for daily care of normal and demanding skin and octenicare® repair skin to support the natural regeneration of the skin.

Our products

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