Work together.  Protect each other.

The COVID-19 pandemic turned the status quo upside down and rearranged it. However, there can be some positives from these unprecedented times. From the perspective of preventing infection and the increased awareness of the spread of pathogens.

Infection prevention measures such as effective hand hygiene and surface disinfection are now at the forefront of everyone's mind and an essential part of daily life. With our many years of experience in hygiene for healthcare professionals, you can trust us to effectively support you in your daily activities and work place.

Disinfect your hands
  • Pay attention to proper hand hygiene: Sanitise hands regularly, especially following contact with anyone who is ill or with potentially contaminated surfaces; always wash hands thoroughly before eating and after using the toilet.
  • Pay attention to surfaces: Regularly disinfect germ traps, such as keyboards, telephones, door handles, coffee machines and taps etc.
  • Handle food hygienically: Wash kitchen areas, refrigerators and shared kitchen utensils carefully and, if necessary, disinfect them. Do not eat at your desk if possible.
  • Let fresh air in: Winter is the main season for colds, with excessive periods of heated room air, which is often too dry, and as a consequence causes the mucous membranes to dry out making them more susceptible to infections. Let fresh air in at least three or four times a day for ten minutes at a time to improve the atmosphere in the room.


Pathogen transmission


Airborne infection

Through droplets (aerosols) by sneezing, coughing or speaking. The particles can fl oat in the air for hours and infect other people if they inhale them.

  • Seasonal influenza
  • COVID-19 (coronavirus)
  • Rhinitis/common cold (Rhinovirus)
Direct contact

Direct contact: from person to person through physical contact or touching (e.g. via hands).Indirect contact: via contaminated surfaces and objects (such as toilet seats, door handles, touchscreens, light switches, etc.)

  • Causes of diarrhea (including noro and rota virus)
  • Conjunctivitis (including staphylococci or adeno virus)
  • Cold sores (herpes virus)
  • Potentially also influenza or common cold e.g. when sneezing into the hand or when droplets settle on surfaces

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