Product complaints

If you are satisfied, tell others. If not, please tell us.

If you have identified a product deficiency or an adverse product effect, you can independently report it to us. Please try to include the following information when you make a product complaint, so we can contact you with updates and to help us to process your complaint quickly and accurately:

    • Your contact details: name, address, email address and telephone number
    • Product details: full name of the product, pack size, and if possible: batch number
    • Name of the wholesaler/retailer from which the product was purchased (if applicable)
    • Reason for the complaint
    • Date that the issue was identified

We are legally bound to clarify suspected cases of adverse effects and possibly forward them to the competent authorities. For this purpose, all personal contact information and other information which could be used for identification will be pseudonymized upon entry into our database, in accordance with legal requirements (age group/sex/initials).

Technical Support
schülke UK
We're here to help
Cygnet House, 1 Jenkin Road,
S9 1AT Sheffield

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We use analysis methods (e. g. cookies) to measure how often our site is visited and how it is used. In addition, we use cookies to link your page visits and website use with your customer data stored in our CRM system in order to be able to address you individually, i.e. based on interests and usage We embed third-party content from other providers (e. g. videos) on our site. We have no influence on further data processing and any tracking by the third party provider. In this context, we also use service providers in third countries outside the EU that may not have an adequate level of data protection, which harbors the following risks: Access by authorities without informing the data subject, no data subject rights, no legal remedies, loss of control.
With your settings you consent to the processes described above. You can revoke your consent with effect for the future. You can find more information in our privacy policy.