

When it comes to defence against microorganisms, every detail counts for us. We look for tailor-made solutions for your individual needs, thereby ensuring the high quality of your cosmetic products.

Always there: our outstanding Personal Care expertise and over 130 years of experience in the fight against microorganisms. For superior quality and product safety are not a question of legal requirements for us – they are a matter of course.



Protection against microbial contamination is one of the major challenges in cosmetics production. That is why protection of your products is our top priority. Under the brand name euxyl®, we offer broadly effective preservation blends that optimally protect your cosmetic products and meet current technical and regulatory requirements. 

Our active ingredient combinations reliably meet all requirements placed on material, environmental and consumer protection.



The multifunctional additives in the products of our brand sensiva® are effective in a variety of ways. These include improving the skin-care properties of cosmetic formulations, stabilising preservative-free products and increasing antimicrobial efficacy of preservatives through boosting effects.

In addition, sensiva® products fight odour-causing micro-organisms and act thereby as effective active ingredients of deodorants.

Deodorant Actives

Deodorant Actives

So that you don't break a sweat when it comes to deodorant ingredients. sensidin® DO and sensiva® SC 50 ensure optimum protection against bacteria on your customers' skin and prevent odors from developing in the first place. And where no aluminum salts are needed, there are no yellow spots.

Our products do their job without being uncomfortable. 24 hour deodorant protection is a must for your product? No problem with sensidin® DO and sensiva® SC 50.



Are microbiological investigations too time-consuming for you? Then leave that to us and our dipslides. This transforms production hygiene into a simple routine with little effort.

Simply apply to surfaces or use a suitable cotton swab to apply a small amount of product to the culture medium. Wait for the short incubation period and you will know if there are any unpleasant germs. So that the high quality of their cosmetic products is holistically protected.

Our products

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