Saving you time: our hygiene expertise

Everything about our tailor-made product range

Cleaning and disinfection are an important part of a company's quality assurance measures and certification. Staff hygiene is becoming more and more relevant, even for companies that do not work with microbiologically susceptible materials.

Sources of error and gaps in the hygiene concept cost time and money and often have to be eliminated at great expense. Save your precious production time! With schülke as a reliable partner who simplifies the subject of cleaning and disinfection for you and makes it accessible and practicable

Your advantages with us:

  • Tailored offers and no unresolved issues
  • The exact procedures and applications are explained in order to minimise any risk and to provide safety

The right solution for every area of application

Cleaning agents and disinfectants contribute to safety of production processes and employees and compliance with legal regulations. Our experts will explain you which products suit your requirements and what you need to consider when using them. In addition, we offer a wide selection of products to precisely match each customer's needs

Our products

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