Trainees & dual students

Trainees at schülke

Upon commencement of your training you will enter a whole new world. At schülke, you will become a full member of our community right from the start in every vocational training program, and your talents and expectations will be taken very seriously. 

That is why we undertake a great deal to support you as best we can on your path. During a welcome event, which takes place over several days, you will already get to know your fellow new apprentices as well as the relevant fellow employees and superiors.

We hope that you settle in quickly, develop independence and initiative and are prepared to take on responsibility – step by step. In return, you can rest assured that your colleagues and superiors will instruct you thoroughly in terms of all the tasks you are assigned with and relevant subject areas and always be at your side whenever you need help. 

Bring a good helping of curiosity and enthusiasm for a varied training program! This will get your successful working life off to a great start with an apprenticeship at schülke.

Dual studies at schülke

Would you like to study and still get a taste of how things work in practice? A dual study programme can help you fulfil this demanding wish. 

The dual study programme offers several advantages: you will be able to study on a financially independent basis – as you will be receiving a regular income the whole time. The regular switch between theory and practice in the various areas provides for a first-class working basis. Above all, however, you will be securing excellent prospects for the future. In three-and-a-half years, you will complete a qualified vocational training course and combine it with a recognised bachelor degree.

In order to offer a dual study courses, schülke has a long-standing and very successful cooperation with one of the most prestigious private business management colleges, the Nordakademie in Elmshorn near Hamburg. Here, you will meet students from numerous other reputable companies with whom you will be able to exchange ideas and form foundations for an overarching professional network.

Contact person

Tim Otten
Human Resources
Robert-Koch-Straße 2
22851 Norderstedt

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