Young professionals

Have you completed a degree in chemistry, pharmacy, process or industrial engineering, economics, law or another subject? If, in addition to this professional qualification, you can win us over with your motivation, openness and flexibility, nothing stands in the way of a career start at schülke. We have every confidence in you.

A career start at, for example, schülke’s field service is a challenge at the highest level due to our specific range of products and solutions – and an entry route with which we have had the best experience. 

Moreover, schülke offers many further opportunities for demonstrating commitment in practice according to individual qualifications and development plan. Our fascinating areas of responsibility range from research and development to production, sales and logistics, to organisation and marketing.

It goes without saying that as a graduate, you still need time for your personal orientation and career planning. The job you start your career with at schülke won’t necessarily be the one you’ll always have. We will do our utmost to promote your individual development according to your personal strengths and interests, even beyond divisional boundaries.

Contact person

Karolin Nieland
Human Resources
Robert-Koch-Straße 2
22851 Norderstedt

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