
schülke places high demands on its employees, but above all on itself as an employer. Our understanding of community and human coexistence has grown from a long tradition. This formed the basis for a convincing package of employer benefits that is hardly self-evident for a medium-sized company. Our employees benefit from attractive salaries based on the current chemical industry pay scale and also from excellent framework conditions and our international career opportunities.

Also part of the mix: Your private life

The high level of identification of our employees with their company is also based on the fact that we provide them many opportunities to balance professional challenges with a private life, family and social activities. schülke attaches particular importance to the fact that all employees can shape their work-life balance individually and has therefore created, for example, very family-friendly working conditions. These include a wide range of flexible work arrangements, including home office options as well as childcare subsidies.

A company health management scheme is just as important to us as are long-term leave / sabbatical options. To ensure that our employees have sufficient means for retirement, we offer a company pension scheme that they can join to complement their statutory pension.

With this extensive benefits package, we have a hand in keeping our employees motivated and focussed on their tasks while they enjoy working at schülke – very often for many years and even decades.

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