Corporate strategy "Sustainability" – Schülke & Mayr GmbH is awarded by Ecovadis with the GOLD medal!


The Schülke & Mayr GmbH (schülke) has as Group once again successfully passed the Ecovadis scoring and was able to significantly improve its result in the year of 2023: Awarded with the gold medal, schülke is now amongst the top four percent of sustainable companies in its industry sector.

  • The award from Ecovadis highlights the pioneering role of schülke within its industry sector.
  • In addition to its ecologically sustainable actions, social and economic sustainability are also deeply rooted within the company.
  • In a globalized world, schülke thus assumes responsibility for current and future generations.

The goal of schülke is to become a pioneer in the field of sustainability. The company’s corporate strategy and its resulting measures are guided by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. schülke is convinced that ecological sustainability always goes hand in hand with social and economic sustainability. With this guiding principle, schülke fulfills decisive requirements for a positive Ecovadis ranking.

What exactly does Ecovadis evaluate?

Founded in 2007, Ecovadis has become one of the world's largest and most reliable providers of sustainability ratings. The internationally active platform evaluates over 100,000 companies in more than 200 industries and 175 countries. Its benchmarks facilitate the comparison and the access to information about the sustainable actions of companies.

Ecovadis assesses how well a company has integrated the principles of sustainability/CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) into its business and management systems. Ecovadis does this on the basis of a catalog which consists of 21 sustainability criteria divided into four topics: environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. The criteria cover all key CSR aspects from energy consumption, employee safety and data protection to environmental and social practices of suppliers. Ecovadis examines a company’s guidelines, their implementation and the corresponding results.

Sustainability at schülke leads to Ecovadis Gold Rating

Sustainability is deeply rooted in the business strategy of Schülke & Mayr GmbH: schülke drives innovations, optimizes its supply chains and further develops the design of its products in order to continuously improve the company's ecological footprint, to make energy and material cycles more efficient and to enhance social standards worldwide. The mikrozid® universal wipes green line, the first disinfection wipes from schülke for the clinical area, whose wipe material is produced entirely from renewable raw materials - with the usual high cleaning performance and material compatibility - are a good example for schülke’s commitment.

schülke already started its dedication to climate protection in June 2022 by joining the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) which shows the company’s commitment to meeting the targets of the Paris climate protection agreement. At the beginning of 2023, schülke submitted its concrete climate protection targets to SBTi for validation. The verification of the targets by SBTi is to be expected by the end of the year.

schülke's mission: Protecting lives worldwide and acting responsibly for the benefit of current and future generations

"In recent years, we have significantly increased our activities to become even more sustainable," says Stefan Kukacka, CEO of Schülke und Mayr GmbH, "which makes us all the more delighted that our measures for environmental and social sustainability and our responsible corporate governance have now been awarded by Ecovadis with a Gold rating. This gives us great pride and at the same time is an incentive to improve our sustainable actions even further."

For Stefan Kukacka, it is clear that schülke "assumes responsibility for present and future generations in a globalized world. Our mission to protect lives worldwide does not end at the gates of our sites. We consider it our responsibility to make our own contribution and also to provide significant support to our customers in their transformation towards acting more sustainable. The Ecovadis assessment gives our customers certainty and clarity in their purchasing decisions."

You can find more information about schülke's commitment to sustainability here.

Schülke & Mayr GmbH (schülke)

Schülke & Mayr GmbH, with its headquarters in Norderstedt near Hamburg, has been a global leader in infection prevention and control for almost 135 years. Infectious germs know no borders - this has always been the case and is even more common in today's globalized world. Committed to the mission "We protect lives worldwide", the strategic business areas of schülke Healthcare, Over the Counter (OTC) and Life Sciences actively contribute to the safety and health protection of people. With strong brands such as octenisept®, kodan®, desderman® or microshield®, schülke is one of the international market leaders in the field of wound and mucous membrane antisepsis as well as hand and surface disinfection in German hospitals. People in more than 80 countries around the world rely on schülke products every day. With its wide range of high-quality and innovative products, expert advice and reliable service, schülke offers holistic concepts for infection treatment and control in professional healthcare, for end users and the pharmaceutical sector. Schülke consists of more than 1,100 dedicated employees, over 20 subsidiaries and three production sites in Germany (schülke), France (Bioxal) and Brazil (Vic Pharma). In 2022, schülke contributed to protecting patients and health care professionals in hospitals from infections with nearly three billion product applications.

You can find more information about schülke here:


Rothenburg & Partner GmbH
Friesenweg 5e | 22763 Hamburg
Tel. +49408891080

Verena Busch
Managing Director

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