schülke and HP join forces to ensure excellent hygiene at workplaces in healthcare and offices


schülke and HP are expanding the possibilities for ensuring the highest level of hygiene at workplaces as part of a partnership. For the disinfection of selected HP computers, laptops, printers, copiers and other devices, schülke wipes are now the first choice for HP - in line with schülke's mission to "protect lives worldwide".

Keyboards or touch screens of technical devices at workplaces, which are touched by many different people every day, are the perfect surface for spreading potential pathogens such as viruses, yeast and bacteria. Therefore, it is essential that an efficient workplace hygiene plan is implemented to ensure a clean and hygienically safe working environment.

Hygienically safe workplace in less than two minutes
The wipes from schülke for surface disinfection eliminate bacteria, yeasts and enveloped viruses in less than two minutes and thus support a hygienically safe workplace. Thanks to their high cleaning performance, the wipes are therefore perfect for all wipeable surfaces with an increased risk of transmission, where short exposure times are required and a disinfectant that is gentle on the material is needed.
The very good material compatibility of the wipes has been tested by HP for a wide range of products including printing and PC equipment and together schülke and HP are convinced of the success of the cooperation. Both the mikrozid® universal wipes, as well as the mikrozid® AF wipes and the mikrozid® PAA wipes have received approval for common models from the HP range*.

CleanMe app & webinars on workplace hygiene
But the cooperation goes even further. Time and again, users have reported that copiers must be switched on and off laboriously for disinfection, or that no solution is known at all for how disinfection can take place in a material-friendly and hygienic manner. Otherwise, the disinfection process can accidentally operate the device and trigger various functions. Therefore, schülke has developed an app for compatible HP devices: the CleanMe app. This prevents unwanted copies from being triggered during the disinfection of the printers. It accompanies the disinfection process with a countdown and stops after the exposure time. The app is available immediately for HP Workpath-compatible devices.

Together with schülke, in addition to the distribution of the products via selected HP partners, a know-how transfer will also take place and webinars on the topic of hygiene in the workplace will be offered for HP partners in order to provide the customer with a good overall concept.

* For more information, visit HP's website:

Your advantages at a glance

Hygiene in the workplace

schülke and HP join forces to ensure excellent hygiene at workplaces in healthcare and offices

Schülke & Mayr

Schülke & Mayr GmbH has been a global leader in infection prevention and hygiene control for more than 130 years. With its wide range of high-quality and innovative products, expert advice and reliable service, schülke offers holistic concepts for infection prevention in professional healthcare markets, consumers and in the pharmaceutical sector. Committed to our mission of protecting lives worldwide, we actively contribute to the safety and protection of human health in our strategic business areas of Healthcare, Over the Counter (OTC) and Industrial Hygiene. Infectious agents know no borders - this is gaining even more importance in today's globalized world. schülke is present with more than 1,100 dedicated employees, over 20 subsidiaries and three production sites in Germany (schülke), France (Bioxal) and Brazil (Vic Pharma). People in more than 80 countries around the world rely on our products every day.


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