Coronavirus (COVID-19) - How to protect yourself!


Hand hygiene and general hygiene measures are the most important preventive measures to protect yourself from infection. What else you need to know about the coronavirus, what hygiene measures you should follow to protect yourself from COVID-19 and which disinfectants are effective against the coronavirus can be found in our FAQ.

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause diseases ranging from the common cold to more serious conditions such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is transmissible from person to person. Cases have also been reported in people who have been infected by people who have shown only mild or non-specific symptoms.

The novel coronavirus primarily causes respiratory diseases. It can be assumed that - as with other coronaviruses - transmission occurs primarily via secretions of the respiratory tract. The novel coronaviruses were also found in stool samples of some patients. Whether COVID-19 can also be spread faecal-orally is not conclusive.

Infektionen vermeiden
Hygiene Händedesinfektion
  • If you suspect that you are infected with COVID-19, first seek medical advice over the phone from a doctor, describe your symptoms and mention possible contacts with people who are infected.
  • Persons who have had personal contact (regardless of travel) with a person infected with COVID-19 should contact the relevant health authority immediately and follow the instructions for medical treatment.
  • For travelers from regions/countries known to have registered COVID-19 cases: If you develop a fever, cough or shortness of breath within 14 days after your return home, you should - after having made an appointment by telephone and having received information about your trip - consult a doctor. Please follow the recommendations of the local health authority.

All schülke products for hand, surface and manual instrument disinfection are at least limited virucidal and therefore also effective against the novel corona virus (COVID-19).

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