Game changers work at schülke in STEM


For centuries women have been working in science and contributed to groundbreaking innovations and discoveries: Women like Ann Tsukamoto, Katherine Johnson and Lise Meitner, to only name a few.

You have never heard of them? Even though they achieved unpreceded advances in stem-cell research, enabled men to land on the moon or discovered nuclear fission? This only shows that women in science still do not receive the same support and public attention as their male peers. And even today, STEM professions are still predominantly male-dominated. This applies both to career starters who have completed a degree in the STEM field and to traineeships, as a study by the German Economic Institute (2) shows. (1)

Experts see the problem in a combination of social conditioning, the promotion of gender stereotypes and often a misjudgment of their own skills. (1)

Nevertheless, the situation has developed positively since the 1990s: While 22.4% of female students were enrolled in STEM subjects at German universities in the winter semester of 1992/93, this figure had risen to 32.4% by the winter semester of 2022/23. (1)

As an employer in an industry characterized by science and technology, schülke wants to inspire and encourage women and girls to pursue a career in STEM. Our female colleagues from the various specialist areas deal with highly complex topcis daily and their work makes a significant contribution to protecting lives worldwide.

In our series "Game changers work at schülke in STEM", we would like to introduce you to some of these impressive women.

Susanne Hendrich, Senior Head of Regulatory Affairs

Susanne Hendrich

Senior Head of Regulatory Affairs

I have always been fascinated by natural science and especially chemistry as everything around us consists of chemical substances and chemical reactions. Therefore, I decided to study chemistry. My job in regulatory affairs now allows me to apply my scientific knowledge to real products. I also get to work closely with many different internal and external departments.

Due to the fact that schülke offers a variety of different products, I get to broaden my horizon and collaborate with colleagues from different departments. I think that at schülke there’s a department for every interest of every future colleague.

To young women who are interested in working in STEM I’d like to say: If it is your wish to have a career in science do not let contrary opinions of others stop you. Always do what suits you best!

Lena Bonfils, Praktikantin Scientific, Clinical & Medical Affairs

Lena Bonfils

Intern Scientific, Clinical & Medical Affairs

I decided to pursue a career in STEM, because I was already passionate about science back in school. This interest deepened during my pharmacy studies, where I realized that I could use my profound knowledge of scientific topics to contribute to people's well-being.

At schülke I get to work with inspiring women, who proved to me that everyone can have a successful career in STEM. I’m involved in a variety of projects in the fields of science and technology, which enables me to acquire further knowledge on many scientific topics.

Because of my positive experience at work, I sincerely encourage young women to consider a career in a scientific or technical sector at schülke. STEM is such a diverse and dynamic field, which offers countless opportunities to evolve your interests and talents.

Lucie Palma, Microbiology Manager, Bioxal in Frankreich

Lucie Palma

Microbiology Manager, Bioxal in France

I discovered my passion for STEM-subjects during my last year of school: In biology class we conducted a project about how microorganisms contribute to the contamination of milk. During this class I had a sort of revelation: I just knew that I wanted to do this kind of research for a living.

I realized later that the world of STEM is quite vast at schülke. On the same day I deal with matters of chemistry, engineering techniques and microbiology. Though I am specialized in a particular field of science, I have already learned a lot from my colleagues who work in different departments.

I would like to specifically encourage young women who want to study a STEM-subject. It’s not always easy. There will be situations in which you are the only woman in the room. However, you are the ones who can change that. At the end of the day, you can even improve the research of companies like schülke, because I believe that a diverse team is always an advantage.

(1) Statista (2024): MINT mangelt es an Frauen (Infografik: MINT mangelt es an Frauen | Statista

(2) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft MINT-Herbstreport 2023: Mehr MINT-Lehrkräfte gewinnen, Herausforderungen der Zukunft meistern - Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) (

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