Product Picture Master

thermosept® ED

Disinfectant component for the chemothermal reprocessing of flexible endoscopes and medical devices

Our Plus

  • comprehensive microbiological efficacy
  • virucidal according to EN 14476, EN17111 and DVV/RKI guideline
  • excellent material compatibility
  • sporicidal according to DIN EN ISO 15883-4


Fields of Application

thermosept® ED is a disinfectant component, provided as a concentrate, for chemothermal reprocessing of flexible and rigid endoscopes including endoscopic accessories as well as for thermolabile medical devices (e.g. anesthesia material). The product is intended for use in automated endoscope reprocessors (AER) and washer-disinfectors (WD). The suitability of thermosept® ED was tested in extensive microbiological and material compatibility tests.
thermosept® ED is suitable for use in AER and WD of all leading manufacturers including Belimed, BHT, Getinge, Miele, Olympus, Steelco, Steris and Wassenburg. thermosept® ED is compatible with the cleaning components thermosept® ER (pH-neutral), thermosept® EndoCleaner (mildly-alkaline) and thermosept® X·tra enzymatic cleaner (mildly-alkaline).

Instructions for use

1 % (10 ml/l) - 5 minutes contact time at 55 °C - 60 °C.
Dosing is performed by machine-integrated dosing pumps.
Microbiological efficacy:
The microbiological efficacy of thermosept® ED tested under the stated application conditions (dosage 1 %, contact time 5 min., temperature 55 °C) has been officialy confirmed and fulfills the requirements of DIN EN ISO 15883-4 entirely. Furthermore, thermosept® ED is suitable for the reprocessing of semicritical instruments class B acc. to the German KRINKO/BfArM recommendation.

Certificates / Norms


Product data

100 g solution contains the following active substances: 20 g Glutaraldehyde .
Other ingredients: corrosion inhibitors, solubilisers, complexing agents.

Chemical-physical data

ca. 1,04 g/cm3 / 20 °C
Flash point
63 °C / Method: DIN 51755 Part 1
ca. 3,6
Viscosity, dynamic
ca. 3,2 mPa*s / Method: DIN 53019

Special advice

Always read the label and product information before use.
For professional use only. Any serious incidents related to the product are to be reported to the manufacturer and competent authority. Please note recommendations of machine and endoscope/instrument manufacturers.
Depending on the water quality, colour changes may occur on metallic parts of the endoscopes. The functioning of the endoscopes is not affected.
Do not mix up with other products. The product is compatible with thermosept® ER, thermosept® EndoCleaner and thermosept® X·tra enzymatic cleaner.
Keep container tightly closed. Protect from frost, heat and sunlight. Store at room temperature in the original container.

Information for order

ItemDelivery formItemGTIN
thermosept ED 20 l KA1 / canister(s)1810034032651959457
thermosept ED 5 l KA1 / canister(s)1810014032651810017
thermosept ED 200 l FA1 / drum(s)1810074032651810079

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Environmental information

schülke manufactures products economically and with advanced, safe and environmentally friendly production processes while at the same time maintaining out high quality standards.

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