Product Picture Master

terralin® PAA

Active oxygen-based concentrate for disinfecting medical devices and surfaces.

Our Plus

  • broad efficacy within short time
  • very good material compatibility
  • active oxygen based


Fields of Application

For targeted use of wiping disinfection in critical situations, e.g. in case of an outbreak of a nosocomial infection, or to combat critical pathogens such as Clostridium difficile.
Special advice

Ensure that all visible dirt is removed before disinfection. Wearing protective gloves is absolutely necessary. Store always upright. Do not seal the container gas tight. Protect from direct sunlight and heat. Keep away from heat and sources of ignition. For further information on safe handling and storage conditions, please refer to the safety data sheet.

Certificates / Norms


Product data

component base:
100 g of solution contains: 5,4 g peracetic acid; other: hydrogenperoxide and acetic acid.

component additive:
potassium hydroxide, corrosion inhibitors, phosphates

Chemical-physical data
terralin PAA base
density: 1.1 g/cm3, 20 °C
Colour: colourless
Flash point: 94 °C
Form: liquid
pH value: 2,28 (10g/L)

terralin PAA additive
density: approx. 1.18 g/cm3, 20 °C
Colour: yellow
Flash point: not applicable
Form: liquid
pH value: 12,3 (10g/L)

Special advice

Instructions for use
Use disinfectants safely. Always read the label and product information before use.
To prepare the desired working solution, the required amount of water is first set ready. The double bottle is then completely emptied into the water. In doing so, it must be ensured that the concentrated components are not brought into contact. To obtain a 2% working solution, the entire content of a double bottle is dosed per 4 l of water -calculated on the basis of the base component. The lifetime of the prepared terralin® PAA working solution is max. 28 hours. The components base and additive always have to be used together! terralin® PAA is not suitable for chrome plated surfaces and surfaces made of brass or copper. Please refer to manufacturer's instructions regarding the surfaces to be weated and, if necessary, test the material compatibility before application. Do not exceed concentration. The microbiological efficacy and the application properties of peracetic acid are significantly dependent on the pH value of the stock solution. Generally, the recommended concentrations and contact times should not be exceeded with all cleaners and disinfectants, in order to obtain the best possible compatibility of materials. Thus, a peracetic acid solution, as it is also available on the market, has a wide and fast microbiological efficacy, but is not compatible with certain plastics or metals, especially regarding brass and chromium plating. Pitting corrosion, among others, is possible in several stainless steel grades. Using a harmonised 2-component formulation has made it possible to guarantee a very comprehensive effect spectrum with an extraordinarily good and practice-oriented compatibility of materials. terralin® PAA component base contains an active, stabilised, balanced peracetic acid. In addition to an alkaline component to adjust the pH value, the component additive provides phosphates and other anti-corrosion components. During the production of the stock solution by dilution with water and simultaneous mixing of the two components, an almost neutral, buffered application solution with a pH value of approx. 6 is obtained. Ensure complete wetting of the surfaces. Ensure that all visible dirt is removed before disinfection. After completing the work within the desired contact time,, dispose of the working solution and rinse the equipment thoroughly with water. For professional use only. Any serious incidents related to the product are to be reported to the manufacturer and competent authority.

Information for order

ItemDelivery formItemGTIN
terralin® PAA 160 ml (2x80 ml)12 / carton(s)1262034260709380100
terralin PAA 2x80 ml 160 ml FL12 / carton(s)700035744260709380452

Environmental information

schülke manufactures products economically and with advanced, safe and environmentally friendly production processes while at the same time maintaining our high quality standards.

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