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perform® sterile alcohol IPA (WFI)

Sterile, alcohol based ready to use solution for surface disinfection in cleanrooms.

Our Plus

  • fast, effective and residue free
  • sterile (X-Ray irradiated) and microbial filtrated (0.2 μm)
  • suitable for cleanrooms grade A/B, ISO class 5/6
  • eady to use in a handy, sterile 500 ml spray system
  • with WFI (Water for Injection)
  • colour and perfume free
  • efficacy tested according to European norms (EN)


Fields of Application

Disinfection of surfaces and equipment / devices in cleanrooms, in particular for class A and B cleanroom areas, according to:
  • Annex 1 of EU Guide to Good Manufacturing practice: Manufacture of sterile medicinal products, March 2009.
  • FDA Guidance for Industry: Sterile drug products produced by aseptic processing - current Good Manufacturing practice; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, September 2004.

Instructions for use

Apply perform® sterile alcohol IPA WFI undiluted to objects and surfaces and allow to take effect. Clean the surface carefully before use. Remove excess water from the surface before disinfection, if appropriate. Do not apply more than 25 ml/m². Make sure to wet surfaces completely. Used wipes must be disposed in a closed container. Disinfection after each production and cleaning process or when required according to standard operating procedure (SOP). For professional use only. Application for PT 02: Disinfection of clean non-porous surfaces such as small work surfaces in medical and non-medical areas as well as surfaces in cleanrooms (class A/B). Effective against bacteria and yeasts.

Spraying: Spray ready-to-use product on the surface and allow to take effect at room temperature (20± 2°C) for at least 1 minute.
Wiping: Spray or pour ready-to-use product on the surface and wipe afterwards or wet a wipe with the ready-to-use product by spraying or pouring and thereafter wipe the surface. Allow to take effect for at least 5 minutes at room temperature (20± 2°C).

Product data

100 g solution contains the following active substances: 63,1 g Propan-2-ol (equates 70% (v/v)).

Chemical-physical data

ca. 0,88 g/cm3 / 20 °C
Flash point
22 °C / Method: DIN 51755 Part 1
Not applicable
Viscosity, dynamic
> 2,5 mPa*s

Special advice

Use disinfectants safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

The sterile 500 ml spray system offers the following advantages:

  • convenient size for handling and storage
  • ergonomically shaped spray pump for ease of use
  • remains sterile after opening

The bottles are sterile (with irradiation indicator) and doublewrapped individually. perform® sterile alcohol IPA comprises alcohol of pharmaceutical quality in accordance with the Ph. Eur.

EU-0023656-0001 1-1

Information for order

ItemDelivery formItemGTIN
perform® sterile alcohol IPA WFI 500 ml bottle10 / carton(s)1211014032651976003
perform® sterile alcohol IPA WFI 1l bottle6 / carton(s)70003165

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Environmental information

schülke manufactures products economically and with advanced, safe and environmentally friendly production processes while at the same time maintaining our high quality standards.

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