
Strong alkaline cleaner for manual pre-cleaning of medical devices.

Our Plus

  • strong cleaning performance against blood, protein, distillation residues, oil, grease, tar, wax, spindle grease, silicone and resin
  • economic concentrate
  • protects against corrosion damages
  • leaves no post-rinse residue, does not influence sensitive laboratory tests
  • outstandig material compatibility (can replace cromic sulphuric acid)
  • also suited for ultrasonic bath


Fields of Application

mucasol® is used for the thorough cleaning of laboratory equipment, medical instruments, technical equipment and objects made of glass, porcelain, plastic, rubber, metal.

Instructions for use

Dilute mucasol® with water depending on the degree of contamination.
Immersion bath: 0.7 % - 3 %.
Ultrasonic bath: 0.2 % - 2 %.
Exposure time 10 - 20 min.
Application example
1 litre of a 2 % working solution corresponds to 980 ml of water and 20 ml mucasol®.
Instructions for use
Completely submerge objects in the diluted solution. Ensure complete covering of the surfaces, also of hollow instruments, and allow to take effect. Following application, rinse objects in clear water (using demineralized water, if necessary). To uptimize results, heat the solution (up to the boiling point, if necessary). When treating objects with protein contamination, temperatures should not exceed 45 °C in order to avoid denaturation of proteins. Please follow the reprocessing recommendations of the instrument manufacturers.

Product data

Labelling according to Regulation (EC) No. 648/2004: > 30 % phosphates, < 5 % anionic surfactants, < 5 % amphoteric surfactants.

Chemical-physical data

Flash point:Not applicable
Density:ca. 1,43 g/cm3 / 20 °C
Color:nearly colourless - light yellow
Viscosity, dynamic:ca. 6 mPa*s
pH:ca. 12,3 / 20 °C

Special advice

Always read the label and product information before use.
mucasol® is not suitable for alkali-sensitive materials (e.g. anodized aluminum and zinc). Do not mix with other cleaning agents or disinfectants. Color deviations/ opacities have no influence to the product quality.
Keep container tightly closed. Protect from frost, heat and sunlight. Store at room temperature in the original container.

Application aids

ItemItem no.
Can key for 5 + 10 l135810

Environmental information

schülke manufactures products economically and with advanced, safe and environmentally friendly production processes while at the same time maintaining out high quality standards.

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