Fields of Application
Instructions for use
Dosage: 0.01 - 0.03 % (0,1 - 0,3 ml/l water) - dosed by the dosing device/window provided in the door flap or by machine integrated dosing pumps. Suitable to dose as rinse aid in last rinsing step of reprocessing process. Check the fillinng level regularly (see instructions issued by machine manufacturer). Please follow the reprocessing recommendations of instruments and machine manufacturer.
Certificates / Norms

Product data
Composition: 15 - 30 % non-ionic surfactants, solubilising agents, corrosion inhibitors, pH-regulator
Chemical-physical data
Information for order
Item | Delivery form | Item | GTIN |
thermodent clear 1 l FL | 10 / carton(s) | 143101 | 4032651431014 |